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Katia and Aureliano, founders of Casa Bohemia Algarve
Who is Katia?
I am a French immigrant in Portugal, a Parisian born to Portuguese immigrant parents. That says it all, doesn't it?
I grew up in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, where I was born, and I worked there for a long time as a fashion journalist. And then one day, I felt like something else, calm, quality of life and kindness...
I went to live in Lisbon, which I have loved deeply since I was 17. It's difficult to explain but Lisbon has something special, a charisma of its own, a particular sincerity... I'm convinced that you need to have some Portuguese blood in your veins to feel it fully! This Portuguese being is indefinable, it's a connection, a feeling shared by a whole people. At no time did I regret leaving Paris for Lisbon.