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Crédit © Sandra Fourqui
Caroline, you present yourself as a "harmonist of places", can you explain?
Our home is not just a roof, it reflects our personality. Decorating is about creating harmony between people and places. Interior design can be a great tool to move towards an inner well-being and a better knowledge of oneself.
Specialised in Feng Shui and Geobiology, I propose to take care of houses as we take care of our body. I focus on the energetic and vibratory aspect of the decor and not only on its visual design. It is about creating a setting that will simultaneously act on you, physically, psychologically and emotionally.
When you talk about a house, it sounds like you are talking about something living!
Yes, the house is a living thing because it is the reflection of our unconscious. It is an extension of ourselves, a second body.
Just like us, it needs to breathe, to be nourished and to be loved!
Holistic decoration is an art of living: we no longer decorate only for the aesthetic aspect of the decor, but also and above all, to move towards a more harmonious life, in coherence with what we wish to live.
By consciously modifying our decor, we can gradually modify some of our behaviours and our philosophy of life.
A decor should support us, accompany us, give us energy on a daily basis!